
Dubsado Tips

5 Strategies to Streamline Your Lead Management Process and Book More Clients

October 18, 2024


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I'm Amy - Dubsado Systems Strategist. I love to help female entrepreneurs work less, make more & WOW clients with systems and automation.

Meet Amy

We both know the saying you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Well, I’m here to help you streamline your lead management and make an amazing first impression so you can book more clients. If you’ve ever felt like your creative process is chaotic or like you’re missing opportunities to impress potential clients, this blog post is for you. We’re diving into actionable steps that will create a seamless client experience, save you time, and ensure no leads slip through the cracks. So grab a pen and notebook—let’s get started!

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1. Write Out Your Lead Management Process

I can’t emphasize this enough: Start by writing out your lead management process. It may sound basic, but without a clear plan, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Documenting your process provides a roadmap to follow even if you’re doing everything manually for now.

I highly recommend setting up your lead management system in a CRM like Dubsado. You can use your written process to keep you on track as you build your workflows (automation) in Dubsado. This not only preserves brain power but also ensures that things make sense once you set them all up. (It can be really easy to accidentally add things out of order when you’re setting up Dubsado workflows without a written plan.

Lead management process map

How to Map Out Your Lead Management Process

To do this, use whatever medium works best for you—whether notes on your phone, a document on your computer, or even sticky notes arranged on a wall until the flow makes sense. The important thing is to have a well-thought-out, written process. Start with the very first thing that should happen. (Ex. Client fills out a lead capture form on my website.) Then write down the next thing that should happen and so-on until you’ve gotten to booked client. (Then you can move on to your onboarding process once this process is working well for you.

2. Implement a Lead Capture Form

The next step is to put a lead capture form on your website. I recommend tools like Dubsado, which make this process straightforward. They allow you to map the form fields directly to your account, eliminating the need for data entry on your part (and keeping everything organized and in one place.)

Keep the form short and to the point. Only ask questions necessary to understand your potential client, their needs, and if they’re a good fit for your services. You’ll gather more detailed information during your discovery call when you can ask follow-up questions and get a better understanding of your prospective client.

3. Create and Automate a Fast Follow-Up Email

After capturing a lead, send a fast follow-up email. This email acknowledges receipt of their information and provides a nugget of value for them to consume while waiting for your next contact. Although it’s a standardized message, it buys you the time to craft a more customized response later. Here’s what to include:

  • A warm greeting expressing your excitement.
  • An assurance of when you’ll follow up with them. Be sure that you set a reminder in your CRM to make sure you don’t forget to circle back before you said you would. (It helps to build your relationship in a positive way.)
  • A piece of content, like a helpful FAQ or blog post related to their needs. (Ex. a case study about a past client or an article about choosing a ___.

4. Develop a Nurture Sequence to Educate Potential Leads Before You Get on a Call With Them

Depending on your lead process and discovery call schedule, consider implementing a nurture sequence. These automated emails provide prospects with valuable information about your services, how you work, and client success stories. This preps them before the call, making it more about their specific needs rather than basic info. Plus, it helps decide mutual compatibility.

What to Include in a Nurture Sequence

This doesn’t have to be long and drawn out. You can include emails or videos about any of the following. I’ve seen it done as an email sequence or as a success page after someone books with you. Note: You can add a re-direct link to a lead capture form or scheduler. Once someone completes the form/books the appointment they’re taken to this page to learn more about you and your services.

  • A case study about a past client, where they were at when they started working with you, what the process of working with you was like, where they are at now after they finished their work with you.
  • FAQ email answering some of the most common questions you get from prospective clients.
  • An email or video introducing yourself and explaining your process.

5. Follow Up After You Send the Proposal if They Don’t Book Right Away

Once you’ve had the discovery call and sent a proposal, frequent follow-ups are crucial. Decide on a reasonable frequency that works for you while avoiding seeming pushy. Continue following up until you receive a definitive response, whether they’re interested or need more time. Customize these follow-ups to maintain a personal touch; even automated systems like Dubsado allow for custom messages to complement template emails.

BONUS: Dubsado & HoneyBook automate your follow-ups so you don’t have to remember to circle back to them and that means you get more sales on autopilot.

That’s a Wrap!

We talked about 5 things you can do to streamline and automate your lead management process and book more clients they are…

  • Map out your lead management process
  • Use a lead capture form or scheduler that prospects can fill out right from your website. (Be sure to ask just the questions you need to understand where your lead is at right now.)
  • Create a fast follow-up email that’s sent right after your lead fills out the form/books a call.
  • Develop a nurture sequence that answers your most frequently asked questions.
  • Follow-up after they don’t book with you right away. Preferably automate this!

These five strategies will not only enhance your lead management process but also help you book more clients. If you need assistance mapping out your process, I’m here to help! I offer standalone services alongside my Dubsado setup packages. Schedule a free discovery call, and let’s discuss how I can support your business.

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How to Streamline Your Client Onboarding Without Putting More on Your Plate

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