
Dubsado Tips

Avoid These 5 Common Client Experience Mistakes in Your CRM

July 16, 2024


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I'm Amy - Dubsado Systems Strategist. I love to help female entrepreneurs work less, make more & WOW clients with systems and automation.

Meet Amy

I’m not going to lie, navigating the complexities of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system can be challenging, especially when trying to create an amazing client experience.

Since I’ve started offering
client experience audits to help creative business owners improve their client experience,
I’ve noticed that many small business owners fall into some common mistakes that can hinder their CRM’s effectiveness and make their client experience a little less than awesome.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into five frequent client experience mistakes in your CRM and I’ll tell you how to fix them.

Whether you’re a seasoned Dubsado or HoneyBook user or just getting started, this guide will help you improve your client experience and close more sales.

Let’s dive into it!

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Avoid These 5 Common Client Experience Mistakes in Your CRM

Not Segmenting Leads Based on the Service They’re Interested In

One thing I see a lot is not segmenting your leads based on the service they’re interested in. It’s not difficult to do and gives you the ability to tailor everything that follows to be more relevant to that service.

You’ll be able to talk about the process for that service, include relevant images, case studies and testimonials to the service they’re interested in. Not only that, but you can link to blog posts that’ll help them make an informed decision about your service or get better results from working with you.

All of this means that they’re going to be more likely to say yes to working with you.

How to Add Segmenting in Your CRM to Improve Client Experience

In Dubsado, it’s super simple to do. Simply create the workflows for each service. Add a workflow element to your lead capture form asking which service they’re interested in. Map the workflows to the correct service and BAM. You’ve got segmentation!

If Your CRM Doesn’t Have Segmenting, you can still create something similar. Build your workflows and give your leads the option to choose the service they’re interested in by clicking a button. Each button should tie to a lead capture form or scheduler that kicks off your workflow.

Using One Workflow Per Service Instead of Breaking It into Multiple Workflows

Another common mistake is using a single workflow for each service rather than breaking it into multiple, more manageable workflows.

When you create workflows for the entire process they tend to be overwhelming. It makes it hard to customize your process or bring someone in mid-workflow.

You also miss out on an opportunity to have a few emails send to nurture your lead if they don’t take the next step to work with you like… book an appointment, complete a form, signing a contract, etc.

Once they take the action you can automaticall start the next workflow and pause previous workflow immediately after that.

Not Making Use of the Form Not Completed Trigger

Forms are a vital tool for capturing client information, but what happens when a form is not completed? Ignoring this scenario is a missed opportunity. Many CRMs offer a “form not completed” trigger that can be used to follow up with clients who didn’t finish filling out a form.

By setting up automated reminders or follow-up emails, you can re-engage these potential clients and guide them back to complete the form. This proactive approach shows clients you value their interest and are committed to assisting them, which can significantly enhance their experience with your brand.

Not Setting Up Payment Plans

Many CRMs offer payment plan templates that’ll allow you to automatically invoice clients when payments are due and send reminders on a schedule that you set up. You can even customize the emails that are sent out.

This saves so much time and mental energy because you don’t have to keep track of all the invoices and payment due dates or send reminder emails yourself.

Once caveat: You do want to make sure that past due invoices are followed up on, so if you find a lot of clients are not paying before your payment reminders run out, you might need to add more reminders. Once your client pays, the reminders stop.

Dubsado Payment Plan Example (Check-out the reminders on the far right)

Not Using the Re-direct Option on Forms is a Missed Client Experience Opportunity

The re-direct option on forms is an often underutilized feature in many CRMs. After a client submits a form, you have two options. They can get a boring message that says something like “thank you for your inquiry, we’ll be in touch soon OR you can send them to a specific thank you page on your website for this specific offer and part of their customer journey.

You could include any of the following in your thank you page…

a video of you thanking them and telling them what the next steps are and why they’re important

additional resources (links to blog posts, videos, social media content, podcast episodes.)

a special offer

testimonials (from past clients who booked this service.)

a gallery of your past work.

This not only keeps them engaged but also provides them with immediate value. It helps to build excitement and keep them engaged with you while you review their information and get back to them. Want more inspiration? Check out my thank you page below and this article by Apexure. It has some great thank you page examples.

My Thank You Page


Avoiding these common client experience mistakes in your CRM can significantly improve your client experience, save you tons of time and help you book more clients. By segmenting leads, creating multiple workflows, utilizing the form not completed trigger, setting up payment plans, and using the re-direct option on forms, you can create a more personalized and efficient client experience. Remember, your CRM is a powerful tool, and when used correctly, it can be instrumental in building stronger, more satisfied client relationships.

Want Me to Help You Improve Your Client Experience?

Book a Client Experience Audit with me. Learn more HERE.
